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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-10-28 问答

简介提到飞行汽车,很多人总以为是这样的。这是吉利旗下美国飞行汽车公司 Terrafugia 的产品,这种固定翼方案较为传统,更像是一架可以收起翅膀在公路上跑的袖珍飞...

提到飞行汽车,很多人总以为是这样的。这是吉利旗下美国飞行汽车公司 Terrafugia 的产品,这种固定翼方案较为传统,更像是一架可以收起翅膀在公路上跑的袖珍飞机。

    Terrafugia 飞行汽车在地面时的形态,然而,飞行汽车已经不再是个狭义概念,之所以仍在强调汽车,是因为它会像汽车一样便捷,而不是必须像汽车一样跑在地上。


    English version

    When it comes to flying cars , many people always think so. This is Geely's U.S.The product of the flying car company Terrafugia, this fixed-wing solution is more traditional, more like a pocket airplane that can run on the road with its wings folded.

The shape of Terrafugia flying car on the ground.However, flying car is no longer a narrow concept. The reason why the car is still emphasized is that it will be as convenient as a car, rather than having to run on the ground like a car.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com



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