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人气: 作者: feiauto 时间:2020-10-28 文章


     将汽车与飞机结合,是人类由来已久的梦想。按照摩根士丹利分析师的预测,到2040年飞行出租车将会普及。SkyDrive的飞行汽车 SD-03在丰田测试场地进行了一次公共飞行演示,SD-03采用了四对旋翼(每一对有两个,旋转方向相反)和八个电动马达,这辆单座的飞行汽车在场地里飞行了约4分钟,飞行高度为2米左右,今年年底SD-03还将在其他场地进行测试。SkyDrive的CEO福泽智宏(Tomohiro Fukuzawa)计划在2023年将其作为产品发售。


    English version

    Combining cars with airplanes is a long-standing human dream. According to Morgan Stanley analysts’ forecasts, flying taxis will become popular by 2040 SkyDrive's flying car  SD-03 conducted a public flight demonstration at the Toyota test site . The SD-03 uses four pairs of rotors (two in each pair, rotating in opposite directions) and eight electric motors. This single-seater flight car on the grounds flight for about four minutes, flying height of about two meters, by the end of this year SD-03 will also be tested in other venues. SkyDrive CEO Tomohiro Fukuzawa (Tomohiro Fukuzawa) plans to release it as a product in 2023.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com

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